The boarding pass redesign project was for a class project during the Spring semester of 2023.
About the project:
Visually demonstrate a key part of the journey and how you can help the user accomplish their goals by giving them the relevant support they need to move to the next part of the journey.
- Research how to make the Boarding pass more efficient.
- Customer Journey Maps.
- Build a Prototype.
I interviewed two people to better understand their mental models regarding flying. It was important to understand the user's goals, expectations, frustrations, pain points, and emotions.
![Project 1](./images/boarding-pass-view-bags.png)
Customer Journey Map
I interviewed two users to better understand their mental models regarding flying. It was important to understand the user's goals, expectations, frustrations, pain points, and emotions, to name just a few.
During the interviews, I noticed that my users are facing issues with changing their seats directly from the mobile boarding pass as well as not being able to see how many bags they checked in for their journey.
After interviewing, I built a Customer Jouney Map in order to build a prototype according to the user's needs.
![Project 1](./images/cjm-boardingpass.png)
Using my Customer Journey Map, I created a working prototype in Figma according to the user(s) neeeds.
- Switching seats at ease within mobile boarding pass.
- Having access to viewing how many bags are checked in.
After these updates, users can simply click on an open seat on their seatmap within their mobile boarding pass to change their seat. Users can also view how many bags they have checked in on the mobile boarding pass home.
![Project 1](./images/prototype-boardingpass1.png)
![Project 1](./images/prototype-boardingpass2.png)
Project Outcomes
What I learned
- How to work in Figma.
- Colaborate using Miro.
![Project 1](./images/boarding-pass-seat.png)
Get in Touch
Are you looking for a fast-performing and user-friendly website to represent your product or business? or looking for any kind of consultation? or want to ask questions? or have some advice for me or just want to say "Hi 👋" in any case feel free to Let me know. I will do my best to respond back. 😊 The quickest way to reach out to me is via an email.